Member Benefits
The HomeCare Association of Arkansas:
- Serves as your voice with the state and federal issues. We influence legislation affecting the home care industry.
- Meets regularly with representatives from our regulatory agencies to ensure home care regulations and reimbursements are being properly implemented and monitored.
- Keeps members informed and encourages communication between members and their legislators concerning the impact of pending legislation.
- Sponsors a Political Action Committee (PAC) to support the legislators who value home care.
- Provides educational conferences and seminars throughout the year. Members attend at a discounted rate.
- Arranges vendor displays at two conferences a year to give members exposure to the latest home care products.
- Maintains relationships with national vendors and training consultants to continue to provide the latest available information.
Additional membership benefits include:
- Members have the opportunity to serve on the HCAA Board of Directors and committees.
- Members are referred by the Association office through inquiry phone calls.
- Members have full voting rights on all association matters.
- Members have the opportunity to network with other home care professionals.
Membership Categories
- Home Health/Private Duty Providers
- Medical Equipment, Supplies, Infusion Therapy or Pharmaceuticals in the Home
- Hospice
- Personal Care
- Personal Assistance Services
- Associate Membership
Category Membership Form
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Associate Membership Form
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Contact us
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(501) 376-2273
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Our Location
411 South Victory St. #204
Little Rock, AR 72201